Neoclassical cryptocurrency data structures
Cryptocurrency trading has gathered a huge amount of interest over the past few years where market capitalization is now topping a trillion dollars. It's to the point where one can no longer question if it will survive but what form it will take. To that end, TA Today has began to incorporate crypto quotes into the database.
In the neoclassical approach to trading, one has to define and track one or more
- Market exchanges (indexes like ^GSPC, ^IXIC, etc.)
- Sectors (industry groups comprised the sectors like IBB, XLF, XLK, etc.)
- Stocks
Crypto trading needs that same structure and we are at a point now where the beginnings of that structure exist although we are sure it will evolve further in the coming months and years. In cryptocurrencies, the equivalent to the above are:
- Market exchanges (index currently used is ^CMC200 for exchange CCC)
- Sectors (the most stable one so far is GDLC and is being used exclusively to begin with)
- Stocks in the crypto world are denominated in various fiat currencies (hence the symbol BTC-USD shows it is for Bitcoin currency and is denominated in US Dollars) and are the tradable currency of the crypto platform that supports the currency
Unfortunately, in the early years, market indexes and sector ETFs/Funds are sparse (very much so currently) as they are still in their infancy. This will evolve but the basic framework is now in place and solid enough to build upon. As things evolve, I am sure additional "sectors" will be tracked and we can further divide the crypto world into various sectors beyond just the private digital currencies we are using now but to other real world problems like distributed apps like DeFi, smart contracts to name just a couple.
For members, to make things easy, there is a shared watch list from LA called "Crypto" that has the initial list of crypto currencies as well as some of the popular Graystone Crypto Funds.