Mentoring Prerequisites and Program Pledges
Prior to mentoring, you should meet these basic requirements:
- Have a dedicated trading/communicating computer with enough memory and processing power to server as your primary trading station
- On that computer you should obtain and install the following (just perform a Google search then download and install these packages):
- Presentation Assistant (trial version will work indefinitely)
- Microsoft Skype, a free and easy to use communications package we use for conferencing and sharing screens
- A brokerage account with Interactive Brokers which is the platform that all mentors use for mentoring related activities
- Watch the TA Today neoclassical educational videos to get a basic understand for what is to come
- Read LA's two books on the neoclassical model (Trend Qualification and Trading) (Trend Trading Set-Ups) and have more than a cursory knowledge of the concepts
Once mentoring begins, you pledge to:
- Spend as much time on homework as you do on formal mentoring lesson
- Continue the program until completion and without any significant downtime once mentoring starts (for example, you have 2 or 3 sessions and then skip the next 4. This is not acceptable)
- Read/watch all the material that LA produces and recreate his analysis on your charts
- Continually try to apply what you learn to your charts and your trades and review with your mentor
- Always ask questions